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The applicable Belize income tax rates for IBCs are as follows:

  • 1.75% of chargeable income for businesses with gross receipts of more than BZD 3 million.
  • 3% of chargeable income for businesses with gross receipts of less than BZD 3 million.
  • Remarkably, an offshore company is not obligated to pay Belize income tax if its income is derived from trading activities or business outside of Belize.

According to the IBTA amendment in December 2019, no income tax will be required on chargeable income effective from January 1, 2020; except for companies engaged in petroleum operations.

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We are always proud of being an experienced Financial and Corporate Services provider in the international market. We provide the best and most competitive value to you as valued customers to transform your goals into a solution with a clear action plan. Our Solution, Your Success.