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Hong Kong offshore company formation

Hong Kong Private Company Limited by Shares

Hong Kong Company Limited by Guarantee

  • - A gateway to explore business opportunities in Mainland China and Asia
  • - Business-friendly tax system that allows maximizing profits
    • - Non-HK source tax exemption
    • - No VAT, Import, Property tax and no tax on Dividends & Interest
  • - Easy business set-up and transparency ongoing compliance
  • - Trustworthy political environment and a strong, stable economy
  • - World-class infrastructure and good supply of high quality manpower
  • - Client private data protection via our secured-system
Hong Kong (HK) offshore company formation

Hong Kong company registration perfect for:

Import/Export Products
Import/Export Products (Good relationships with China, Singapore, US)
Holding Company
Holding Company
Intellectual property rights
Intellectual property rights
Estate and Succession Planning
Estate and Succession Planning

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Hong Kong company registration In 4 Easy Steps

Hong Kong company registration - Preparation

1. Preparation

Request free company name search We check the eligibility of the name, and make suggestion if necessary.

Hong Kong company registration - Filling

2. Filling

  • Register or login and fill in the company names and director/ shareholder(s).
  • Fill in shipping, company address or special request (if any).
Hong Kong company registration - Payment

3. Payment

Choose your payment method (We accept payment by Credit/Debit Card, PayPal or Wire Transfer).

Hong Kong company registration - Delivery

4. Delivery

  • You will receive soft copies of necessary documents including: Certificate of Incorporation, Business Registration, Memorandum and Articles of Association, etc. Then, your new company in a jurisdiction is ready to do business!
  • You can bring the documents in company kit to open corporate bank account or we can help you with our long experience of Banking support service.
Required documents for Hong Kong company registration
  • Passport of each shareholder/beneficial owner and director.
  • Proof of residential address of each director and shareholder (Must be in English or Chinese. Or certified translation version).
  • Provide your capital structure with any currency

Attractive Cost For Hong Kong Offshore Company Formation


US$ 799 Attractive Cost For Hong Kong Offshore Company Formation

Hong Kong Company Formation Fees

  • Done within 60 mins
  • 100% successful rate
  • Fast, easy & highest confidential via secured systems
  • Dedicated support (24/7)
  • Just Order, We Do All For You


Recommended services

Offshore Company in Hong Kong with the main characteristics

Company Limited by Shares (recommend)

General Information
Type of Business Entity Private
Corporate Income Tax Nil
British Based Legal System Yes
Double Tax Treaty Access Yes
Incorporation Time Frame (Approx., days) 1
Corporate Requirements
Minimum Number of Shareholders 1
Minimum Number of Directors 1
Corporate Directors Permitted Yes
Standard Authorized Capital/Shares 10,000 HKD
Local Requirements
Registered Office/ Registered Agent Yes
Company Secretary Yes
Local Meetings Anywhere
Local Directors / Shareholders No
Publicly Accessible Records Yes
Annual Requirements
Annual Return Yes
Audited Accounts Yes
Incorporation Fees
Our Service Fee (1st year) US$ 1,039.00
Government fee & Service charged US$ 529.00
Annual Renewal Fees
Our Service Fee (year 2+) US$ 779.00
Government fee & Service charged US$ 529.00

Company Limited by Guarantee

General Information
Type of Business Entity Public Limited
Corporate Income Tax Nil
British Based Legal System Yes
Double Tax Treaty Access Yes
Incorporation Time Frame (Approx., days) 1
Corporate Requirements
Minimum Number of Shareholders 1
Minimum Number of Directors 1
Corporate Directors Permitted Yes
Standard Authorized Capital/Shares 10,000 HKD
Local Requirements
Registered Office/ Registered Agent Yes
Company Secretary Yes
Local Meetings Anywhere
Local Directors / Shareholders No
Publicly Accessible Records Yes
Annual Requirements
Annual Return Yes
Audited Accounts Yes
Incorporation Fees
Our Service Fee (1st year) US$ 1,039.00
Government fee & Service charged US$ 561.00
Annual Renewal Fees
Our Service Fee (year 2+) US$ 779.00
Government fee & Service charged US$ 561.00

Scope of Services

Company Limited by Shares (recommend)

1. Company Formation Service Fee

This fee will be collected by Offshore Company Corp for your requirements.

Services and Documents Provided Status
Company Name Search ; Yes
Documents Preparation; Yes
Certificate of Incorporation ; Yes
Business Registration Certificate ; Yes
Memorandum and Articles of Association (M&A) ; Yes
Life Time Customer Support; Yes
Business Registration Address; Yes
Secretary Service of Individuals/ Legal Person in Hong Kong about 1 year Yes
Receiving mail and announcement of Hong Kong government for 1 year Yes
Annual return and filing Yes

2. Government Fee

The person, who wants to incorporate new company in Hong Kong, needs to pay two types of Government fee. This fee depends on Hong kong government rules and we cannot adjust it.

1. 1. Certificate of Incorporation (CI): Pay one time when setting up the company, including:

  • Application fee
  • Submitting NNC1 form

Total Cost: US$ 221

2. Business Registration Certificate (BR): There are two types of business registration certificate, namely 1-year certificate and 3-year certificate. For a new business other than a local company, the commencement date of its first registration certificate is the date of commencement of business, not the date of application for business or branch registration.

  1 year-certificate 3-year certificate
Fee US$ 0 US$ 410
Levy US$ 32 US$ 96
Total US$ 32 US$ 506

Note: Exchange rate USD/HKD = 7/8. You can pay this fee to the Hong Kong government yourself or Offshore Company Corp can help you to do this, for a 10% service charge. The specific amount depends on your type of business registration certificate, as already mentioned above. After having a new company registered, you may need a bank account, virtual office or phone number in Hong Kong. Offshore Company Corp can fulfil these requirements with their additional services.

Click here to get a quotation for the accounting and audit fee.

Company Limited by Guarantee

1. Company Formation Service Fee

This fee will be collected by Offshore Company Corp for your requirements.

Services and Documents Provided Status
Company Name Search ; Yes
Documents Preparation; Yes
Certificate of Incorporation ; Yes
Business Registration Certificate ; Yes
Memorandum and Articles of Association (M&A) ; Yes
Life Time Customer Support; Yes
Business Registration Address; Yes
Secretary Service of Individuals/ Legal Person in Hong Kong about 1 year Yes
Receiving mail and announcement of Hong Kong government for 1 year Yes
Annual return and filing Yes

2. Government Fee

The person, who wants to incorporate new company in Hong Kong, needs to pay two types of Government fee. This fee depends on Hong kong government rules and we cannot adjust it.

1. 1. Certificate of Incorporation (CI): Pay one time when setting up the company, including:

  • Application fee
  • Submitting NNC1 form

Total Cost: US$ 221

2. Business Registration Certificate (BR): There are two types of business registration certificate, namely 1-year certificate and 3-year certificate. For a new business other than a local company, the commencement date of its first registration certificate is the date of commencement of business, not the date of application for business or branch registration.

  1 year-certificate 3-year certificate
Fee US$ 256 US$ 667
Levy US$ 32 US$ 96
Total US$ 288 US$ 763

Note: Exchange rate USD/HKD = 7/8. You can pay this fee to the Hong Kong government yourself or Offshore Company Corp can help you to do this, for a 10% service charge. The specific amount depends on your type of business registration certificate, as already mentioned above. After having a new company registered, you may need a bank account, virtual office or phone number in Hong Kong. Offshore Company Corp can fulfil these requirements with their additional services.

Click here to get a quotation for the accounting and audit fee.

Download forms - Offshore Company in Hong Kong

1. Application Formation Form

Description QR Code Download
Application for Limited Company
PDF | 940.94 kB | Updated time: 19 Feb, 2025, 10:10 (UTC+08:00)

Application form for Limited Company processing

Application for Limited Company Download
Application Formation Form LLP LLC
PDF | 1.57 MB | Updated time: 19 Feb, 2025, 10:10 (UTC+08:00)

Application Formation Form LLP LLC

Application Formation Form LLP LLC Download

2. Business Plan Form

Description QR Code Download
Business Plan Form
PDF | 210.06 kB | Updated time: 19 Feb, 2025, 10:12 (UTC+08:00)

Business Plan Form for Company Incorporation

Business Plan Form Download

3. Rate card

Description QR Code Download
Hong Kong Company Limited by Shares Rate card
PDF | 169.84 kB | Updated time: 19 Feb, 2025, 10:21 (UTC+08:00)

Basic Features and Standard price for Hong Kong Company Limited by Shares company

Hong Kong Company Limited by Shares Rate card Download
Hong Kong Company Limited by Guarantee Rate card
PDF | 162.77 kB | Updated time: 19 Feb, 2025, 10:20 (UTC+08:00)

Basic Features and Standard price for Hong Kong Company Limited by Guarantee

Hong Kong Company Limited by Guarantee Rate card Download

4. Company Profile

Description QR Code Download
Company Profile
PDF | 3.31 MB | Updated time: 30 Sep, 2024, 12:45 (UTC+08:00)

Discover our company profile to gain a deeper understanding of who we are

Company Profile Download

5. Sample Documents

Description QR Code Download
Business Registration Certificate Hong Kong Sample
PDF | 133.03 kB | Updated time: 18 Jul, 2019, 12:56 (UTC+08:00)
Business Registration Certificate Hong Kong Sample Download
Certificate of Incorporation Hong Kong Sample
PDF | 182.09 kB | Updated time: 28 Dec, 2018, 10:46 (UTC+08:00)
Certificate of Incorporation Hong Kong Sample Download
Memorandum And Articles of Association Hong Kong Sample
PDF | 7.06 MB | Updated time: 28 Dec, 2018, 10:45 (UTC+08:00)
Memorandum And Articles of Association Hong Kong Sample Download
NNC1 Hong Kong Sample
PDF | 4.70 MB | Updated time: 28 Dec, 2018, 10:44 (UTC+08:00)
NNC1 Hong Kong Sample Download

Company Formation Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - Offshore Company in Hong Kong

1. Can an English company name end with the word

Yes. “Ltd” is considered the same as “Limited”. However, the word “Limited” must be stated in all documents submitted to / issued by the Government, not “Ltd”. The “Ltd” can only be used for business activities.

2. How can I renew the business registration of my company?

Offshore Company Corp will help you renew your company business registration (BR) within a working day and will then return the new BR to you via email.

Read more:

3. How to determine if a company name is the same as another in Hong Kong?

In determining whether a company name is the same as another, certain words and their abbreviations will be disregarded: "company" - "and company" - "company limited" - "and company limited" - "limited" - "unlimited" - "public limited company". The type or cases of letters, spaces between letters, accent marks, and punctuation marks, also will be disregarded.

The following expressions "and" - "&", "Hongkong" - "Hong Kong" - "HK", "Far East" - "FE" are respectively to be taken as the same.

We are able support you to check the availability of your proposal Hong Kong company name at a glance. 

Read more:

4. What are the minimum requirements for setting up a private limited company in Hong Kong

Anybody can be setting up a private limited company in Hong Kong. Basic Hong Kong company formation requirements that includes the following:

Standing as your secretary company, Offshore Company Corp will provide a registered office address and secretarial services. We can also provide a nominee director and a nominee shareholder if needed to protect your privacy.

There is no prescribed minimum share capital. For practical purposes, this is not usually less than HK$10,000 or the equivalent in a foreign currency. There is a capital duty of 0.1% payable on the authorised share capital (subject to a cap of HK$ 30,000).

The minimum requirements for setting up a private limited company in Hong Kong is to have at least one shareholder and one director, who can be the same person.

5. Which is most popular legal entity in Hong Kong?
Private Company limited by Shares is the most common type of entity.
6. Hong Kong company limited by guarantee (non-profit organisation)

In general, a company limited by guarantee is set up for the purpose of advancement of education, religion, relief of poverty, trust and foundation, etc. Most institutions formed by this structure are not for profit-making, but they cannot be charitable. If an institution would like to be a charity, it must be established for purposes which are exclusively charitable according to law.

If an institution is fit for any of the following purposes, we can help them to apply to be an approved charitable institute (ACI).

  • Relief of poverty
  • Advancement of education
  • Advancement of religion
  • Other purpose of a charitable nature beneficial to the community and not falling under any of the previous headings

Read more: Hong Kong business license

The advantages of being an ACI

  • Exempted from tax
  • Exempted from tax on profits if:
    • the profits are applied solely for charitable purposes; and
    • the profits are not expended substantially outside Hong Kong; and either:
  • the trade or business is exercised in the course of the actual carrying out of the expressed objects of the institution or trust (for example, a religious body might sell religious tracts); or
  • the work in connection with the trade or business is mainly carried on by persons for whose benefit such institution or trust is established (for example, a society for the protection of the blind might arrange for the sale of handicraft work made by the blind).
  • Exempted from the obligation of business registration unless a trade or business is carried on

Upon your request, we will provide you with an application form to fill in with the details of your institution, including the objectives of the institute, number of members, membership fee, membership classification, directors, company secretary etc.

Registering a “company limited by guarantee” follows the usual steps of registering a “company limited by shares” (the most common type of business entity for business in Hong Kong).

Here are the characteristics of “Company limited by guarantee”:

Read more: 

7. The advantages of being an approved charitable institute (ACI) in Hong Kong

Exempted from tax:

Exempted from tax on profits if the profits are applied solely for charitable purposes; and

the profits are not expended substantially outside Hong Kong; and either:

the trade or business is exercised in the course of the actual carrying out of the expressed objects of the institution or trust (for example, a religious body might sell religious tracts); or

the work in connection with the trade or business is mainly carried on by persons for whose benefit such institution or trust is established (for example, a society for the protection of the blind might arrange for the sale of handicraft work made by the blind).

Exempted from the obligation of business registration unless a trade or business is carried on

Upon your request, we will provide you with an application form to fill in with the details of your institution, including the objectives of the institute, number of members, membership fee, membership classification, directors, company secretary etc.

Registering a “company limited by guarantee” follows the usual steps of registering a “company limited by shares” (the most common type of business entity for business in Hong Kong).

Read more:


8. How is the name of offshore company proposed?

Generally speaking, the name of offshore company should include wordings such as "Limited", "Corporation", or simplified "Ltd.", "Corp." or "Inc.".

If the proposed offshore  company name is the same as any registered company name, it cannot be registered.

Moreover, the company name generally cannot contain "Bank", "Insurance" or other words with similar meaning.

Read more:


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