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United Kingdom (UK) Intellectual Property - Trademark | From US$ 499

Intellectual Property & Trademark service fees in UK


US$ 499 Service Fees
  • Register your trademark within 1 month.
  • We have experience to help you to fill all related form application.
  • Support you to get the needed documents.
  • Search the trade marks database before registration.
  • Renew your trademark with every 10 years.

Register a trade mark

You can register your trade mark to protect your brand, for example the name of your product or service. When you register your trade mark, you’ll be able to:

How to register a trade mark in UK

What you can register

Your trade mark must be unique. It can include:

And what you cannot

Check if your UK trade mark is already registered

We, Offshore Company Corp can support you to search the trade marks database before registration to check if anyone has already registered an identical or similar trade mark for the same or similar goods or services.

We can ask the holder of an existing trade mark for permission to register yours. They must give us a ‘letter of consent’ - then send this letter with application.

A letter of consent is simply the written agreement of the owner of the earlier mark to allow your mark to be registered.

The letter of consent should at the least:

It’s important you choose the correct:

Offshore Company Corp staff with experience will support you choose and fill all related form application to submission to UK Intellectual Property Office.

Our services Fee and UK government fee

Our services is 299 USD/application/class.

UK government fee single trade mark application covering one class will cost US$ 217 (GBP 170). One class is included in the cost of a trade mark application. Extra classes cost an additional US$ 64 (GBP 50) per class.

For example

A single trade mark application covering one class will cost £170.

The same application covering three classes will cost £270:

£170 for the application and first class

£100 for the two extra classes (£50 each) Note that you only pay for the class, not the number of pre-approved terms you select within a class.

Timeline to apply UK trademark

  1. Preparation and application form: 1 week
  2. Examination report issued, by UK Intellectual Property Office (IPO): 1 week
  3. Publication: in 2 months
    • Opposition if any: it depend case by case, normally take 1 months if it happened.
  4. Trademark registered: within 1 week
  5. Certificate issued: within 5 to 10 days.

Your Trademark can renewal with fees for every 10 years.

Download form

UK FS4 form - Trademark Registration form

World Intellectual Property Organization guidelines

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