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Company Renewal


As your Registered Agent/Company Secretary, it is our duty to remind & support you to renew and comply with any legal requirement asked by the Government. Renewal is a must to all company, in order to keep its good standing status with the Government, maintain the business and also the company bank account. Depend on each Jurisdiction, the annual due date will be different and we will remind you on time about this to avoid any penalty fee. To find out about the annual due date of your company, please see the below Fees Schedule for more information.

Scope of Services

  • Reminder emails/letters about the annual due date.
  • Inform any news/legal requirements asked by the Government.
  • Provision of Company Secretaries, Registered Address.
  • Preparation and filing of annual returns.
  • Preparation and filing of licence applications (if any).
  • Preparation, filing and payment of Government fees.
  • Depend on the Jurisdiction, Accounting & Auditing will be required (Hong Kong, Singapore or UK, etc).
  • Updated documents such as Business License, Annual Return, Confirmation Receipt, etc will be provided after finishing the Renewal process.

Leave us your contact and we will get back to you the soonest!

Legal Action against non-renewal company

Non-payment of annual renewal fees will incur severe late penalties, legal consequences and at risk of frozen Bank account. Example: For Hong Kong company, the Annual Return must be filed within 42 days since the anniversary date of incorporation. An additional fee will be charged if the filing date is passed and will increase for each period. Failure to comply, the company and the officer(s) will be liable for fine or receive a summon letter from Hong Kong High Court. In the worst case scenario, the company may be at risk of struck-off by not arrange the Annual Renewal fee on time.

Fee Schedule

Asia Pacific

Hong Kong Hong Kong

Type Of Incorporation Fees Due Date
Company Limited by Shares (recommend) US$ 1,308.00
  • Government Fee: US$ 529
  • Service Fee: US$ 779
Anniversary date
Company Limited by Guarantee US$ 1,340.00
  • Government Fee: US$ 561
  • Service Fee: US$ 779
Anniversary date

Labuan Labuan

Type Of Incorporation Fees Due Date
Company Limited by Shares US$ 5,681.00
  • Government Fee: US$ 2300
  • Service Fee: US$ 3381
Anniversary date

Marshall Islands Marshall Islands

Type Of Incorporation Fees Due Date
International Business Company (IBC) US$ 1,379.00
  • Government Fee: US$ 600
  • Service Fee: US$ 779
Anniversary date
Limited Liability Company (LLC) US$ 1,805.00
  • Government Fee: US$ 700
  • Service Fee: US$ 1105
Anniversary date

Samoa Samoa

Type Of Incorporation Fees Due Date
International Company (IC) US$ 1,509.00
  • Government Fee: US$ 600
  • Service Fee: US$ 909
30 November of each year

Singapore Singapore

Type Of Incorporation Fees Due Date
Exempt Private Limited Company (Pte.Ltd)
  • Government Fee: US$ 1695
  • Service Fee: US$ 909
  • Local Director: US$ 1500
Anniversary date
Public Limited Company
  • Government Fee: US$ 2100
  • Service Fee: US$ 3108
  • Local Director: US$ 1500
Anniversary date

Vanuatu Vanuatu

Type Of Incorporation Fees Due Date
International Company (BC) US$ 2,485.00
  • Government Fee: US$ 900
  • Service Fee: US$ 1585
Anniversary date

Vietnam Vietnam

Type Of Incorporation Fees Due Date
Wholly foreign-owned LLC (100% foreign-owned company in Vietnam) US$ 199.00
  • Government Fee: US$ 199
  • Service Fee: US$ 0
Anniversary date
Partly foreign-owned LLC (The Vietnam joint venture company) US$ 199.00
  • Government Fee: US$ 199
  • Service Fee: US$ 0
Anniversary date


Cyprus Cyprus

Type Of Incorporation Fees Due Date
Private Limited US$ 3,350.00
  • Government Fee: US$ 1400
  • Service Fee: US$ 1950
30 June of each year

Gibraltar Gibraltar

Type Of Incorporation Fees Due Date
Private Limited by Shares US$ 2,299.00
  • Government Fee: US$ 1000
  • Service Fee: US$ 1299
Anniversary date

Liechtenstein Liechtenstein

Type Of Incorporation Fees Due Date
AG US$ 12,112.00
  • Government Fee: US$ 4700
  • Service Fee: US$ 7412
Anniversary date
Anstalt US$ 12,112.00
  • Government Fee: US$ 4700
  • Service Fee: US$ 7412
Anniversary date

Luxembourg Luxembourg

Type Of Incorporation Fees Due Date
Soparfi Holding US$ 10,012.00
  • Government Fee: US$ 3900
  • Service Fee: US$ 6112
Anniversary date
S.A.R.L: Private Limited Company US$ 14,983.00
  • Government Fee: US$ 3800
  • Service Fee: US$ 11183
Anniversary date

Malta Malta

Type Of Incorporation Fees Due Date
Private Limited Liability Company US$ 4,045.00
  • Government Fee: US$ 1900
  • Service Fee: US$ 2145
Anniversary date

Netherlands, Kingdom of the Netherlands, Kingdom of the

Type Of Incorporation Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC) US$ 5,251.00
  • Government Fee: US$ 2000
  • Service Fee: US$ 3251
Anniversary date

Switzerland Switzerland

Type Of Incorporation Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company US$ 10,681.00
  • Government Fee: US$ 6910
  • Service Fee: US$ 3771
Anniversary date
Stock Corporation US$ 10,681.00
  • Government Fee: US$ 6910
  • Service Fee: US$ 3771
Anniversary date
Sole Proprietorship US$ 10,681.00
  • Government Fee: US$ 6910
  • Service Fee: US$ 3771
Anniversary date

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Type Of Incorporation Fees Due Date
Private Limited US$ 1,129.00
  • Government Fee: US$ 565
  • Service Fee: US$ 564
Anniversary date
Public Limited US$ 1,129.00
  • Government Fee: US$ 565
  • Service Fee: US$ 564
Anniversary date
LLP US$ 1,129.00
  • Government Fee: US$ 565
  • Service Fee: US$ 564
Anniversary date


Anguilla Anguilla

Type Of Incorporation Fees Due Date
International Business Company (IBC) US$ 1,640.00
  • Government Fee: US$ 809
  • Service Fee: US$ 831

Jan 1st next year (Incorporation from Jan 1st to Mar 31st)

Apr 1st next year (Incorporation from Apr 1st to Jun 30th)

Jul 1st next year (Incorporation from Jul 1st to Sep 30th)

Oct 1st next year (Incorporation from Oct 1st to Dec 31st)

Bahamas Bahamas

Type Of Incorporation Fees Due Date
International Business Company (IBC) US$ 2,149.00
  • Government Fee: US$ 850
  • Service Fee: US$ 1299
31 December of each year

Belize Belize

Type Of Incorporation Fees Due Date
International Business Company (IBC) US$ 1,134.00
  • Government Fee: US$ 550
  • Service Fee: US$ 584

IBC: 02 January of each year.

Limited Liability Company (LLC) US$ 1,460.00
  • Government Fee: US$ 550
  • Service Fee: US$ 910

LLC: Anniversary date

Cayman Islands Cayman Islands

Type Of Incorporation Fees Due Date
Exempted (Limited by Shares) US$ 3,489.00
  • Government Fee: US$ 1500
  • Service Fee: US$ 1989
31 December of each year
Limited Liability Company (LLC) US$ 3,906.00
  • Government Fee: US$ 1500
  • Service Fee: US$ 2406
31 December of each year

Panama Panama

Type Of Incorporation Fees Due Date
Non Resident US$ 2,169.00
  • Government Fee: US$ 1000
  • Service Fee: US$ 1169

01 January next year (Incorporation from 01 January to 30 June).

01 July next year (Incorporation from 01 July to 31 December).

Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Kitts and Nevis

Type Of Incorporation Fees Due Date
Nevis Business Corporation (NBCO) US$ 1,720.00
  • Government Fee: US$ 550
  • Service Fee: US$ 1170
Anniversary date
Limited Liability Company (LLC) US$ 1,670.00
  • Government Fee: US$ 500
  • Service Fee: US$ 1170
Anniversary date

Saint Lucia Saint Lucia

Type Of Incorporation Fees Due Date
International Business Company (IBC) US$ 3,625.00
  • Government Fee: US$ 2900
  • Service Fee: US$ 725
  • 31 Dec same year for Incorporation before or on 30th September.
  • 31 Dec Next year for Incorporation after September.

Requirement: unaudited accounts provided every year.

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

Type Of Incorporation Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC) US$ 2,069.00
  • Government Fee: US$ 900
  • Service Fee: US$ 1169
31 December of each year

British Virgin Islands British Virgin Islands

Type Of Incorporation Fees Due Date
Business Company (BC) US$ 1,795.00
  • Government Fee: US$ 925
  • Service Fee: US$ 870

31 May next year (Incorporation from 01 January to 30 June)

30 November next year (Incorporation from 01 July to 31 December)

Middle East

United Arab Emirates (UAE) United Arab Emirates (UAE)

Type Of Incorporation Fees Due Date
IBC US$ 3,354.00
  • Government Fee: US$ 1730
  • Service Fee: US$ 1624
Anniversary date
RAK Free Zone US$ 3,820.00
  • Government Fee: US$ 1350
  • Service Fee: US$ 2470
Anniversary date
Dubai Free Zone (DMCC) US$ 13,278.00
  • Government Fee: US$ 8988
  • Service Fee: US$ 4290
Anniversary date
Ajman Free Zone US$ 3,560.00
  • Government Fee: US$ 1350
  • Service Fee: US$ 2210
Anniversary date
Local Company (Commercial, Trading Or Professional License) US$ 14,530.00
  • Government Fee: US$ 9200
  • Service Fee: US$ 5330
Anniversary date
Local Company (General Trading) US$ 20,530.00
  • Government Fee: US$ 15200
  • Service Fee: US$ 5330
Anniversary date


Mauritius Mauritius

Type Of Incorporation Fees Due Date
Global Business Company (GBC 1)
  • Government Fee: US$ 3700
  • Service Fee: US$ 2718
  • Local Director: US$ 23600
01 January of each year
Authorised Company (AC) US$ 3,117.00
  • Government Fee: US$ 1700
  • Service Fee: US$ 1417
01 January of each year

Seychelles Seychelles

Type Of Incorporation Fees Due Date
International Business Company (IBC) US$ 991.00
  • Government Fee: US$ 550
  • Service Fee: US$ 441
Anniversary date


United States of America United States of America

Alaska Alaska

Type Of Incorporation Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC) US$ 1,099.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 600
Due every 2 years, starting from when you filed your Initial Report.
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp) US$ 899.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 400
Due every 2 years, starting from when you filed your Initial Report.

Alabama Alabama

Type Of Incorporation Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC) US$ 899.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 400
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp) US$ 999.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 500
Anniversary date

Arkansas Arkansas

Type Of Incorporation Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC) US$ 799.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 300
May 1st every year
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp) US$ 789.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 290
May 1st every year

Arizona Arizona

Type Of Incorporation Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC) US$ 869.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 370
No Annual Report is required.
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp) US$ 889.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 390
Due annually by anniversary of formation or registration. You can start filing 3 months prior.

California California

Type Of Incorporation Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC) US$ 1,040.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 590
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 450
15th day of the 4th month after the beginning of your tax year
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp) US$ 1,240.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 690
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 550
15th day of the 4th month after the close of your tax year

Colorado Colorado

Type Of Incorporation Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC) US$ 999.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 500
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp) US$ 799.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 300
Anniversary date

Connecticut Connecticut

Type Of Incorporation Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC) US$ 939.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 440
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp) US$ 999.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 500
Anniversary date

Delaware Delaware

Type Of Incorporation Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC) US$ 1,214.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 715
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 499
Jun 01st Annually
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp) US$ 1,214.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 715
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 499
March 01st Annually

Florida Florida

Type Of Incorporation Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC) US$ 1,249.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 799
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 450
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp) US$ 1,299.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 799
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 500
Anniversary date

Georgia Georgia

Type Of Incorporation Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC) US$ 899.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 400
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp) US$ 799.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 300
Anniversary date

Hawaii Hawaii

Type Of Incorporation Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC) US$ 799.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 300
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp) US$ 749.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 250
Anniversary date

Iowa Iowa

Type Of Incorporation Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC) US$ 799.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 300
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp) US$ 799.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 300
Anniversary date

Idaho Idaho

Type Of Incorporation Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC) US$ 899.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 400
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp) US$ 899.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 400
Anniversary date

Illinois Illinois

Type Of Incorporation Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC) US$ 899.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 400
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp) US$ 899.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 400
Anniversary date

Indiana Indiana

Type Of Incorporation Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC) US$ 889.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 390
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp) US$ 879.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 380
Anniversary date

Kansas Kansas

Type Of Incorporation Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC) US$ 1,099.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 600
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp) US$ 999.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 500
Anniversary date

Kentucky Kentucky

Type Of Incorporation Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC) US$ 779.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 280
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp) US$ 779.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 280
Anniversary date

Louisiana Louisiana

Type Of Incorporation Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC) US$ 899.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 400
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp) US$ 849.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 350
Anniversary date

Massachusetts Massachusetts

Type Of Incorporation Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC) US$ 1,299.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 800
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp) US$ 1,099.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 600
Anniversary date

Maryland Maryland

Type Of Incorporation Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC) US$ 899.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 400
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp) US$ 899.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 400
Anniversary date

Maine Maine

Type Of Incorporation Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC) US$ 989.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 490
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp) US$ 999.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 500
Anniversary date

Michigan Michigan

Type Of Incorporation Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC) US$ 749.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 250
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp) US$ 749.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 250
Anniversary date

Minnesota Minnesota

Type Of Incorporation Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC) US$ 799.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 300
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp) US$ 969.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 470
Anniversary date

Missouri Missouri

Type Of Incorporation Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC) US$ 909.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 410
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp) US$ 909.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 410
Anniversary date

Mississippi Mississippi

Type Of Incorporation Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC) US$ 799.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 300
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp) US$ 799.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 300
Anniversary date

Montana Montana

Type Of Incorporation Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC) US$ 839.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 340
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp) US$ 839.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 340
Anniversary date

North Carolina North Carolina

Type Of Incorporation Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC) US$ 949.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 450
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp) US$ 949.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 450
Anniversary date

North Dakota North Dakota

Type Of Incorporation Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC) US$ 949.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 450
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp) US$ 899.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 400
Anniversary date

Nebraska Nebraska

Type Of Incorporation Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC) US$ 899.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 400
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp) US$ 899.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 400
Anniversary date

New Hampshire New Hampshire

Type Of Incorporation Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC) US$ 899.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 400
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp) US$ 899.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 400
Anniversary date

New Jersey New Jersey

Type Of Incorporation Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC) US$ 949.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 450
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp) US$ 949.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 450
Anniversary date

New Mexico New Mexico

Type Of Incorporation Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC) US$ 799.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 300
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp) US$ 949.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 450
Anniversary date

Nevada Nevada

Type Of Incorporation Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC) US$ 1,498.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 999
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp) US$ 1,758.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 1259
Anniversary date

New York New York

Type Of Incorporation Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC) US$ 949.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 450
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp) US$ 949.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 450
Anniversary date

Ohio Ohio

Type Of Incorporation Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC) US$ 899.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 400
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp) US$ 897.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 398
Anniversary date

Oklahoma Oklahoma

Type Of Incorporation Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC) US$ 899.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 400
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp) US$ 799.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 300
Anniversary date

Oregon Oregon

Type Of Incorporation Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC) US$ 899.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 400
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp) US$ 899.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 400
Anniversary date

Pennsylvania Pennsylvania

Type Of Incorporation Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC) US$ 949.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 450
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp) US$ 1,099.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 600
Anniversary date

Rhode Island Rhode Island

Type Of Incorporation Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC) US$ 999.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 500
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp) US$ 999.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 500
Anniversary date

South Carolina South Carolina

Type Of Incorporation Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC) US$ 919.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 420
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp) US$ 919.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 420
Anniversary date

South Dakota South Dakota

Type Of Incorporation Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC) US$ 999.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 500
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp) US$ 759.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 260
Anniversary date

Tennessee Tennessee

Type Of Incorporation Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC) US$ 799.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 300
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp) US$ 799.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 300
Anniversary date

Texas Texas

Type Of Incorporation Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC) US$ 999.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 500
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp) US$ 1,099.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 600
Anniversary date

Utah Utah

Type Of Incorporation Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC) US$ 839.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 340
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp) US$ 839.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 340
Anniversary date

Virginia Virginia

Type Of Incorporation Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC) US$ 849.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 350
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp) US$ 739.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 240
Anniversary date

Vermont Vermont

Type Of Incorporation Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC) US$ 949.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 450
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp) US$ 949.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 450
Anniversary date

Washington Washington

Type Of Incorporation Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC) US$ 1,059.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 560
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp) US$ 1,059.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 560
Anniversary date

Wisconsin Wisconsin

Type Of Incorporation Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC) US$ 1,039.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 540
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp) US$ 1,039.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 540
Anniversary date

West Virginia West Virginia

Type Of Incorporation Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC) US$ 899.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 400
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp) US$ 899.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 400
Anniversary date

Wyoming Wyoming

Type Of Incorporation Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC) US$ 799.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 300
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp) US$ 799.00
  • Service Fee: US$ 499
  • Annual Gov fee & Handling fee: US$ 300
Anniversary date
Note: The late penalty will be automatically applied once pass the deadline.

Penalty Fee Schedule

Asia Pacific

Hong Kong Hong Kong
Type Of Incorporation Penalty Fees Due Date
Company Limited by Shares (recommend)
  • BRC: US$ 500.
  • NAR1:
  • Less than 42 days: US$ 14
  • < = 3 months: US$ 112
  • < = 6 months: US$ 223
  • < = 9 months: US$ 335
  • > 9 months: US$ 447
Anniversary date
Company Limited by Guarantee
  • BRC: US$ 500.
  • NAR1:
  • Less than 42 days: US$ 14
  • < = 3 months: US$ 112
  • < = 6 months: US$ 223
  • < = 9 months: US$ 335
  • > 9 months: US$ 447
Anniversary date
Labuan Labuan
Type Of Incorporation Penalty Fees Due Date
Company Limited by Shares

Late renewal in less then 6 months:

  • 10% renewal fee
  • thereafter 50%
Anniversary date
Marshall Islands Marshall Islands
Type Of Incorporation Penalty Fees Due Date
International Business Company (IBC)
  • After the due date: US$150
  • After 90 days: US$300
Anniversary date
Limited Liability Company (LLC)
  • After the due date: US$150
  • After 90 days: US$300
Anniversary date
Samoa Samoa
Type Of Incorporation Penalty Fees Due Date
International Company (IC)
  • After the due date: US$ 50/month
30 November of each year
Singapore Singapore
Type Of Incorporation Penalty Fees Due Date
Exempt Private Limited Company (Pte.Ltd)
  • Not more than 30 days: US$ 50
  • Between 31 days to 60 days: US$ 75
  • Between 61 days to 90 days: US$ 100
  • Between 91 days to 180 days: US$ 150
  • Between 181 days to 365 days: US$ 200
Anniversary date
Public Limited Company
  • Not more than 30 days: US$ 50
  • Between 31 days to 60 days: US$ 75
  • Between 61 days to 90 days: US$ 100
  • Between 91 days to 180 days: US$ 150
  • Between 181 days to 365 days: US$ 200
Anniversary date
Vanuatu Vanuatu
Type Of Incorporation Penalty Fees Due Date
International Company (BC)
  • After the due date: US$ 300
Anniversary date
Vietnam Vietnam
Type Of Incorporation Penalty Fees Due Date
Wholly foreign-owned LLC (100% foreign-owned company in Vietnam) Anniversary date
Partly foreign-owned LLC (The Vietnam joint venture company) Anniversary date


Cyprus Cyprus
Type Of Incorporation Penalty Fees Due Date
Private Limited
  • After due date: 10% penalty
  • After 60 days: 30% penalty
  • After 150 days: depends
30 June of each year
Gibraltar Gibraltar
Type Of Incorporation Penalty Fees Due Date
Private Limited by Shares
  • After the due date: US$ 200
Anniversary date
Liechtenstein Liechtenstein
Type Of Incorporation Penalty Fees Due Date
  • After the due date: US$ 200
Anniversary date
  • After the due date: US$ 200
Anniversary date
Luxembourg Luxembourg
Type Of Incorporation Penalty Fees Due Date
Soparfi Holding
  • Not more than 2 months: US$ 150
  • More than 2 month but not more than 4 months:
  • US$ 300
  • More than 4 months: US$ 650
Anniversary date
S.A.R.L: Private Limited Company
  • Not more than 2 months: US$ 150
  • More than 2 month but not more than 4 months: US$ 300
  • More than 4 months: US$ 650
Anniversary date
Malta Malta
Type Of Incorporation Penalty Fees Due Date
Private Limited Liability Company
  • After the due date: US$ 300
Anniversary date
Netherlands, Kingdom of the Netherlands, Kingdom of the
Type Of Incorporation Penalty Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC)
  • After the due date: US$ 300
Anniversary date
Switzerland Switzerland
Type Of Incorporation Penalty Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company
  • After the due date: US$ 300
Anniversary date
Stock Corporation
  • After the due date: US$ 300
Anniversary date
Sole Proprietorship
  • After the due date: US$ 300
Anniversary date
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Type Of Incorporation Penalty Fees Due Date
Private Limited
  • Not more than 1 month: £150
  • More than 1 month but not more than 3 months: £375
  • More than 3 months but not more than 6 months: £750
  • More than 6 months: £1,500
Anniversary date
Public Limited
  • Not more than 1 month: £750
  • More than 1 month but not more than 3 months: £1,500
  • More than 3 months but not more than 6 months: £3,000
  • More than 6 months: £7,000
Anniversary date
  • Not more than 1 month: £150
  • More than 1 month but not more than 3 months: £375
  • More than 3 months but not more than 6 months: £750
  • More than 6 months: £1,500
Anniversary date


Anguilla Anguilla
Type Of Incorporation Penalty Fees Due Date
International Business Company (IBC)
  • After the due date: 10%
  • After 30 days: 30%
  • After 90 days: 50%

Jan 1st next year (Incorporation from Jan 1st to Mar 31st)

Apr 1st next year (Incorporation from Apr 1st to Jun 30th)

Jul 1st next year (Incorporation from Jul 1st to Sep 30th)

Oct 1st next year (Incorporation from Oct 1st to Dec 31st)

Bahamas Bahamas
Type Of Incorporation Penalty Fees Due Date
International Business Company (IBC)
  • After the due date: US$150
  • After 90 days: US$650
31 December of each year
Belize Belize
Type Of Incorporation Penalty Fees Due Date
International Business Company (IBC)
  • After the due date: US$150.
  • After 90 days: US$300.

IBC: 02 January of each year.

Limited Liability Company (LLC)
  • After the due date: US$150.
  • After 90 days: US$300.

LLC: Anniversary date

Cayman Islands Cayman Islands
Type Of Incorporation Penalty Fees Due Date
Exempted (Limited by Shares)
  • From 1 April to 30 June: US$ 350
  • From 1 July to 30 September: US$ 650
  • From 1 October to 31 December: US$ 950
31 December of each year
Limited Liability Company (LLC)
  • From 1 April to 30 June: US$ 350
  • From 1 July to 30 September: US$ 650
  • From 1 October to 31 December: US$ 950
31 December of each year
Panama Panama
Type Of Incorporation Penalty Fees Due Date
Non Resident
  • After the due date: US$150
  • After 90 days: US$300

01 January next year (Incorporation from 01 January to 30 June).

01 July next year (Incorporation from 01 July to 31 December).

Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Kitts and Nevis
Type Of Incorporation Penalty Fees Due Date
Nevis Business Corporation (NBCO)
  • After the due date: US$ 330
  • After 180 days: US$550
Anniversary date
Limited Liability Company (LLC)
  • After the due date: US$ 330
  • After 180 days: US$550
Anniversary date
Saint Lucia Saint Lucia
Type Of Incorporation Penalty Fees Due Date
International Business Company (IBC)
  • 31 Dec same year for Incorporation before or on 30th September.
  • 31 Dec Next year for Incorporation after September.

Requirement: unaudited accounts provided every year.

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Type Of Incorporation Penalty Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC)
  • US$70 per month from January
31 December of each year
British Virgin Islands British Virgin Islands
Type Of Incorporation Penalty Fees Due Date
Business Company (BC)
  • After the due date: US$250
  • After 60 days from the due date: US$500

31 May next year (Incorporation from 01 January to 30 June)

30 November next year (Incorporation from 01 July to 31 December)

Middle East

United Arab Emirates (UAE) United Arab Emirates (UAE)
Type Of Incorporation Penalty Fees Due Date
  • Depends
Anniversary date
RAK Free Zone
  • Depends
Anniversary date
Dubai Free Zone (DMCC)
  • Depends
Anniversary date
Ajman Free Zone
  • Depends
Anniversary date
Local Company (Commercial, Trading Or Professional License)
  • Depends
Anniversary date
Local Company (General Trading)
  • Depends
Anniversary date


Mauritius Mauritius
Type Of Incorporation Penalty Fees Due Date
Global Business Company (GBC 1)
  • After the due date: US$235.
01 January of each year
Authorised Company (AC)
  • After the due date: US$235.
01 January of each year
Seychelles Seychelles
Type Of Incorporation Penalty Fees Due Date
International Business Company (IBC)
  • After the due date: US$ 150
  • After 90 days: US$300
Anniversary date


United States of America United States of America

Alaska Alaska

Type Of Incorporation Penalty Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC)
  • Tax Penalty : US$ 37.5
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Due every 2 years, starting from when you filed your Initial Report.
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp)
  • Tax Penalty : US$ 37.5
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Due every 2 years, starting from when you filed your Initial Report.

Alabama Alabama

Type Of Incorporation Penalty Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC)
  • Tax Penalty => depends
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp)
  • Tax Penalty => depends
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date

Arkansas Arkansas

Type Of Incorporation Penalty Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC)
  • Tax Penalty : US$ 25
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
May 1st every year
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp)
  • Tax Penalty : US$ 25
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
May 1st every year

Arizona Arizona

Type Of Incorporation Penalty Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC)
  • Tax Penalty : US$ 9/month
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
No Annual Report is required.
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp)
  • Tax Penalty : US$ 9/month
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Due annually by anniversary of formation or registration. You can start filing 3 months prior.

California California

Type Of Incorporation Penalty Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC)
  • Tax Penalty : NO
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
15th day of the 4th month after the beginning of your tax year
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp)
  • Tax Penalty : NO
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
15th day of the 4th month after the close of your tax year

Colorado Colorado

Type Of Incorporation Penalty Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC)
  • Tax Penalty => depends
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp)
  • Tax Penalty => depends
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date

Connecticut Connecticut

Type Of Incorporation Penalty Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC)
  • Tax Penalty : NO
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp)
  • Tax Penalty : NO
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date

Delaware Delaware

Type Of Incorporation Penalty Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC)
  • Franchise Penalty : US$ 300
  • Address: depends
Jun 01st Annually
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp)
  • Franchise Penalty : US$ 300
  • Address: depends
March 01st Annually

Florida Florida

Type Of Incorporation Penalty Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC)
  • Tax Penalty : US$ 400
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp)
  • Tax Penalty : US$ 400
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date

Georgia Georgia

Type Of Incorporation Penalty Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC)
  • Tax Penalty : US$ 25
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp)
  • Tax Penalty : US$ 25
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date

Hawaii Hawaii

Type Of Incorporation Penalty Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC)
  • Tax Penalty : US$ 20
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp)
  • Tax Penalty : US$ 20
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date

Iowa Iowa

Type Of Incorporation Penalty Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC)
  • Tax Penalty => depends
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp)
  • Tax Penalty => depends
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date

Idaho Idaho

Type Of Incorporation Penalty Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC)
  • Tax Penalty => depends
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp)
  • Tax Penalty => depends
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date

Illinois Illinois

Type Of Incorporation Penalty Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC)
  • Tax Penalty : US$ 100
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp)
  • Tax Penalty : US$ 100
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date

Indiana Indiana

Type Of Incorporation Penalty Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC)
  • Tax Penalty : NO
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp)
  • Tax Penalty : NO
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date

Kansas Kansas

Type Of Incorporation Penalty Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC)
  • Tax Penalty => depends
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp)
  • Tax Penalty => depends
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date

Kentucky Kentucky

Type Of Incorporation Penalty Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC)
  • Tax Penalty => depends
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp)
  • Tax Penalty => depends
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date

Louisiana Louisiana

Type Of Incorporation Penalty Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC)
  • Tax Penalty : NO
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp)
  • Tax Penalty : NO
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date

Massachusetts Massachusetts

Type Of Incorporation Penalty Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC)
  • Tax Penalty => depends
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp)
  • Tax Penalty => depends
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date

Maryland Maryland

Type Of Incorporation Penalty Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC)
  • Tax Penalty => depends
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp)
  • Tax Penalty => depends
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date

Maine Maine

Type Of Incorporation Penalty Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC)
  • Tax Penalty => depends
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp)
  • Tax Penalty => depends
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date

Michigan Michigan

Type Of Incorporation Penalty Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC)
  • Tax Penalty => depends
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp)
  • Tax Penalty => depends
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date

Minnesota Minnesota

Type Of Incorporation Penalty Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC)
  • Tax Penalty => depends
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp)
  • Tax Penalty => depends
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date

Missouri Missouri

Type Of Incorporation Penalty Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC)
  • Tax Penalty => depends
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp)
  • Tax Penalty => depends
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date

Mississippi Mississippi

Type Of Incorporation Penalty Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC)
  • Tax Penalty => depends
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp)
  • Tax Penalty => depends
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date

Montana Montana

Type Of Incorporation Penalty Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC)
  • Tax Penalty : US$ 15
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp)
  • Tax Penalty : US$ 15
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date

North Carolina North Carolina

Type Of Incorporation Penalty Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC)
  • Tax Penalty => depends
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp)
  • Tax Penalty => depends
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date

North Dakota North Dakota

Type Of Incorporation Penalty Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC)
  • Tax Penalty : US$ 25 - US$ 50
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp)
  • Tax Penalty : US$ 25 - US$ 50
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date

Nebraska Nebraska

Type Of Incorporation Penalty Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC)
  • Tax Penalty => depends
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp)
  • Tax Penalty => depends
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date

New Hampshire New Hampshire

Type Of Incorporation Penalty Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC)
  • Tax Penalty => depends
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp)
  • Tax Penalty => depends
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date

New Jersey New Jersey

Type Of Incorporation Penalty Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC)
  • Tax Penalty => depends
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp)
  • Tax Penalty => depends
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date

New Mexico New Mexico

Type Of Incorporation Penalty Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC)
  • Tax Penalty => depends
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp)
  • Tax Penalty => depends
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date

Nevada Nevada

Type Of Incorporation Penalty Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC)
  • Tax Penalty : US$ 175
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp)
  • Tax Penalty : US$ 175
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date

New York New York

Type Of Incorporation Penalty Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC)
  • Tax Penalty => depends
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp)
  • Tax Penalty => depends
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date

Ohio Ohio

Type Of Incorporation Penalty Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC)
  • Tax Penalty : NO
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp)
  • Tax Penalty : NO
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date

Oklahoma Oklahoma

Type Of Incorporation Penalty Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC)
  • Tax Penalty => depends
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp)
  • Tax Penalty => depends
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date

Oregon Oregon

Type Of Incorporation Penalty Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC)
  • Tax Penalty => depends
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp)
  • Tax Penalty => depends
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date

Pennsylvania Pennsylvania

Type Of Incorporation Penalty Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC)
  • Tax Penalty => depends
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp)
  • Tax Penalty => depends
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date

Rhode Island Rhode Island

Type Of Incorporation Penalty Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC)
  • Tax Penalty => depends
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp)
  • Tax Penalty => depends
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date

South Carolina South Carolina

Type Of Incorporation Penalty Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC)
  • Tax Penalty => depends
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp)
  • Tax Penalty => depends
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date

South Dakota South Dakota

Type Of Incorporation Penalty Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC)
  • Tax Penalty => depends
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp)
  • Tax Penalty => depends
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date

Tennessee Tennessee

Type Of Incorporation Penalty Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC)
  • Tax Penalty => depends
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp)
  • Tax Penalty => depends
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date

Texas Texas

Type Of Incorporation Penalty Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC)
  • Tax Penalty:

    A US$ 50 penalty is assessed on each report filed after the due date.

    If tax is paid 1-30 days after the due date, a 5 percent penalty is assessed.

    If tax is paid over 30 days after the due date, a 10 percent penalty is assessed.

  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp)
  • Tax Penalty:

    A US$ 50 penalty is assessed on each report filed after the due date.

    If tax is paid 1-30 days after the due date, a 5 percent penalty is assessed.

    If tax is paid over 30 days after the due date, a 10 percent penalty is assessed.

  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date

Utah Utah

Type Of Incorporation Penalty Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC)
  • Tax Penalty => depends
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp)
  • Tax Penalty => depends
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date

Virginia Virginia

Type Of Incorporation Penalty Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC)
  • Tax Penalty => depends
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp)
  • Tax Penalty => depends
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date

Vermont Vermont

Type Of Incorporation Penalty Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC)
  • Tax Penalty => depends
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp)
  • Tax Penalty => depends
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date

Washington Washington

Type Of Incorporation Penalty Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC)
  • Tax Penalty : US$ 25
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp)
  • Tax Penalty : US$ 25
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date

Wisconsin Wisconsin

Type Of Incorporation Penalty Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC)
  • Tax Penalty => depends
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp)
  • Tax Penalty => depends
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date

West Virginia West Virginia

Type Of Incorporation Penalty Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC)
  • Tax Penalty => depends
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp)
  • Tax Penalty => depends
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date

Wyoming Wyoming

Type Of Incorporation Penalty Fees Due Date
Limited Liability Company (LLC)
  • Tax Penalty : NO
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date
Corporation (C-Corp or S-Corp)
  • Tax Penalty : NO
  • Handling fee: US$ 199
Anniversary date


1. What are the annual renewal fees?
The annual renewal fees are the annually recurring government and professional fees that You would pay in order to continue and maintain Your offshore company in good legal standing as per the laws of the state of registration, for as long as the company continues operations. In a way, You can compare these fees to taxes and the administrative overhead, only in the case of an offshore company the figures would probably be much less.
2. What happens if I don't pay the annual renewal fees?

Non-payment of annual renewal fees will make the offshore company lose its status of good standing, the company will also incur severe late penalties and legal consequences.

Example: Late payment of the Government duties in the British Virgin Islands will result in a 10% penalty fee if the payment is up to 2 months´ late, and 50% late penalty fee, if the payment is over 2 months´ late. At any time after the due-date of the Government fees, the Registrar of Companies is entitled to strike-off the company from the Registry for non-payment of fees, after giving the Company a 30-day notice.

A Company, which is struck-off the Registrar shall remain liable to any due and unpaid fees. Such company also remains liable to all its obligations and debts, and any creditor may legally raise an claim against a struck-off company for debts and pursue the collection of those debts through litigation. A struck-off company may not legally continue to trade or enter into any new transactions whatsoever, and its directors, shareholders, managers and owners may not enter into any transactions with the assets of the Company. If they do, they are personally liable for any debts, obligations or legal consequences resulting from such transactions. If the company is operated by appointed third-party managers for and on behalf of a beneficial owner and under his instructions, the personal liability will also extend to the beneficial owner.

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