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Hong Kong Nominee Director & Shareholder for company

Nominee Services Fees in Hong Kong

Nominee Shareholder

US$ 899 Service Fees

Nominee Director

US$ 899 Service Fees
  • Protecting your identity from public records.
  • Keeping your information confidential
  • Fully control of your company activities
  • High level of asset protection
  • Highest standards of privacy

In Hong Kong, it is required that the company must have at least 1 Director and 1 Shareholder in order to incorporate a company and this information will be public.

With our Nominee Director and Nominee Shareholder services, your identity will be absolutely safe and confidential from the public records.

Benefits of Nominee Services in Hong Kong

Protecting your identity from public records.

Keeping your information (Passport number, name, address, etc) absolutely confidential within your company structure and the Government.

Fully control of your company activities through Power of Attorney (POA) and Declaration of Trust (DOT).

Nominee Director in Hong Kong

With the Nominee Director, your information will not be disclosed on Government and the company’ documents and you still have the full control of your company through the Power of Attorney (POA)

The Power of Attorney (POA) is a agreement between you and the Nominee Director, they will represent or act on behalf of you in your company. Under this POA, the Nominee Director cannot do anything unless receive your instruction to do so.

Required documents: Copy of passport and residential addresses proof of all shareholders. If the shareholder is another corporation, please provide us with the Company’ documents such as Certificate of Incorporation, M&AA, Registered of Director/Shareholder, etc.

Nominee Shareholder in Hong Kong

The same as Nominee Director, the Nominee Shareholder will act on behalf of you in your company. Your information will not be disclosed on Government and the company’ documents. The agreement between you and the Nominee Shareholder is called the Declaration of Trust (DOT).

The Declaration of Trust (DOT) is an agreement in which the Nominee Shareholder is appointed to hold the shares in the company for you, but the DOT will indicate that you still have the full ownership of your shares.

Required documents:

Restrictions of Nominee Services in Hong Kong

We do not provide Nominee services for these activities:

Nominee Services Fee in Hong Kong

Services Service fee Description
Nominee shareholder US$ 899  
Nominee director US$ 899  
Power of attorney (POA) documents US$ 649 Nominee director’s signature only
Power of attorney with certification by public notary US$ 779 Certification by notary of detail documents of POA
Declaration of trust (DOT) US$ 649  
Declaration of trust (DOT) with certification by public notary US$ 779 Certification by notary of detail documents of DOT
Power of attorney (POA) with apostille documents US$ 899 Certification on documents by General Registry/Court
Courier fee US$ 150 Courier the original document to your residential address with express services (TNT or DHL)
Nominee Trustor US$ 1299  
Nominee Trustee US$ 1299  
Nominee Council US$ 1299  
Nominee Founder US$ 1299  


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We are always proud of being an experienced Financial and Corporate Services provider in the international market. We provide the best and most competitive value to you as valued customers to transform your goals into a solution with a clear action plan. Our Solution, Your Success.