Open bank account in Hong Kong for non resident | Just from US$ 899
Hong Kong bank account service fees
US$ 499 
- Uncomplicated and straightforward procedures
- High certification convention
- Apostille is not required
- Always support you with any urgent matters
- Professional meeting with the banker in the interview
Hong Kong company formation with bank account
Nowadays, thousands of investors and entrepreneurs are choosing to set up a Hong Kong company. And it just takes us a few days time to incorporate a company in Hong Kong, regardless of nationality. It seems that this Financial Hub will be never unfavourable. The rational behind this tendency is to primarily facilitate enhancement of business to such a huge international market and take advantage of the friendly corporate tax benefits of this jurisdiction. Furthermore, due to its three-tier system, which is characterized to form by 3 different type of banking institutions, the jurisdiction is well-known as the largest representation of reputed international banks in the world.
One IBC Hong Kong has been established and maintained good relationship with many Hong Kong Banks that privileges us to assist our clients in bank account opening in Hong Kong.
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How to open bank account in Hong Kong for non resident
Hong Kong companies are advantageous to open bank accounts onshore (Hong Kong Banks) and offshore banks (Singapore Banks, Euro Pacific - Puerto Rico, CIM - Swiss, Maubank - Mauritius, Private Pacific Bank, and so on.
Due to its information released on Hong Kong Registry, procedure of bank account opening is uncomplicated and straightforward. High certification convention – Apostille is not required.
Our prestigious office enables you to set up a professional meeting with the banker in the interview. Our dedicate local workforce are always willing to support you with any urgent matters.
Businesses that are set up in Hong Kong can now benefit by gaining preferential access to the Mainland China market from the Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA) – a free trade agreement between the Central Peoples Government and the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. All goods qualified as Hong Kong origin may be exported to the Mainland tariff free. Moreover, Hong Kong service suppliers in 40 areas are eligible to receive preferential treatment in providing services in the Mainland.
Requirements for opening bank account in Hong Kong for non resident
(A) Company Account Applicant:
- Certificate of Incorporation (CI) (HK registered company)
- Memorandum and Articles of Association (M&A) or Articles of Association (A&A) (HK registered company)
- Business Registration Certificate (BR) (HK registered company)
- Bought and Sold Note and Instrument of Transfer if applicable (only if registered in HK)
- Certificate of change of name (if any)
- Organizational Chart (If multi-layered corporate structure)
(B) Corporate Shareholder: (if any)
- Certificate of Incumbency issued by registered agency within latest 3 months (COI) (Offshore registered company)
- Certificate of Incorporation (CI) (Offshore registered company)
- Memorandum & Articles of Association (M&A) (Offshore registered company)
- Certificate of change of name (if any)
- If corporate shareholder is HK registered company, please provide the documents same as point (A) above
(C) All Shareholders / Directors / Authorized signors:
- ID cards
- Passports
- Residential address proof (Utility bills / Tax demand notes mailed from Government issued within latest 2 months, please translate into English by qualified solicitor in Hong Kong if it is in other language form)
See more: Nominee Services for Hong Kong Businesses
(D) Company Business Proofs:
- Business plan and product catalogue
- Latest audited financial reports
- Latest tax demand notes
- Latest 3 months of corporate bank statements
- Top 3 buyers and suppliers list with their domiciled countries listed and related signed sales contracts, purchasing order, invoices and related bill of lading, etc.
- Tenancy agreement of your physical office in HK and MPF records
- Evidence on "Business address"/ "Principal Place of Business" if different from its registered address
(E) Director / shareholder / Ultimate Beneficial Owner proof of source of wealth:
- Personal resume (CV)
- Previous employment contracts, salary payment records, etc
- Latest 3 months of personal bank statements, latest tax demand note, and any documents which can proof the source of wealth for setting up the business
- Director / shareholder / Ultimate Beneficial Owner other owing company details, like registration proof, updated audited report, bank statements for recent 3 months, top 3 buyers and suppliers list with their domiciled countries listed and related signed sales contracts, purchasing order, invoices and related bill of ladings, etc