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You are required to file a DBA in Texas if the name of your business is any other than the legal name of the business. Below is what you need to know about DBA registration in Texas:

1. Requirement for Registration

  • Every business operating under a fictitious name-e.g., any other name than the owner's legal name-must file a DBA. It would thus include sole proprietorships, partnerships, LLCs, and corporations. Suppose a sole proprietorship named John Smith operates under a name "Smith's Bakery"; he has to register that DBA.

2. Registration Process

  • County Clerk's Office: The registration starts at the county level, and you should go to the county clerk's office where your business is situated in order to file your DBA application.
  • Multiple Counties: If your business operates in more than one county, then you are obligated to register your DBA in each county separately.

3. Filing Fee

  • A DBA name filing fee is usually in the bracket of $10-$25, although it changes from county to county. One must, therefore, verify the exact fee and what modes of payment are acceptable with the County Clerk's office.

4. Name Availability Check

  • Before filing, it is important to search for name availability and to find out whether your desired DBA is in use. This is possible via the Texas Secretary of State website or at the county clerk's office. This will keep you safe from legal disputes in view of the rights of the name.

5. Duration and Renewal

  • Filing Once a DBA is filed, it is valid for ten years. After that ten-year period, the registration needs to be renewed in order to continue business under the assumed name. Renewal process may differ with each county.

6. No Legal Protection

  • Remember, the DBA does not provide any exclusive rights to the name, and unless the name is trademarked, any other business may file the same or similar name. You may want to apply to the USPTO for a trademark for trademark protection.

7. Compliance and Use

  • Once filed, the DBA must appear regularly in all business materials, including but not limited to signs, advertising, contracts, and bank accounts. This helps in giving brand identity and also can save a business from possible legal disputes.

8. Other Considerations

  • Tax Implications: Filing a DBA does not impact your tax obligations. Remember to use your legal name when reporting income when you file taxes.
  • Business License and Permits: Depending on your business type, you will have to get further licenses or permits depending on the location. Always check with your local regulations to see what is required.
  • Change of Information: In case your business structure is going to change-for instance, a sole proprietorship to an LLC-you would then need to file a new DBA registration.

Read more: Texas Company Formation

While considering filing a DBA in Texas, one may certainly conduct business by utilizing a name relatable to target audiences yet keeping in mind compliance with state laws.

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