Accounting Services in Cyprus | From US$ 499
Cyprus Accounting service fees
US$ 499 
- Handling effectively Tax Compliance and Reporting
- Having an international network
- Professional customer care
- Assisting you to take advantage of the double tax treaty to minimise the tax liabilities
- Keeping you up to date with any changes in the regulations
Cyprus has a geographical benefit since it is located in the middle of European, African and Asian countries, hence, it has been considered to be the international trade gateway between those areas. Cyprus is also characterized by its stable economy and the similarity to the UK legal system. With a low corporate tax rate at 12.5% and an effective tax system which complies with EU laws and regulations, moreover, royalties, dividends, and overseas profits are all exempt from tax, which makes this island more attractive to investors around the world.
ONE IBC always understands our customers’ wants and needs and tries to save your money yet manages to offer professional financial services
"A penny saved is a penny earned"
Our services include:
Preparing your company's financial statements and submit to the Registrar of Companies
Maintaining the proper account record according to the International Accounting Standards
Handling effectively Tax Compliance and Reporting
Tax Advantages
The existence of double tax treaties combined with the low tax paid by offshore entities offers tremendous possibilities for international tax planning through Cyprus in view of the fact that:
Any tax paid in a country with which Cyprus has a treaty is deducted from the Cyprus tax payable on the same income.
Cyprus does not impose any withholding tax on dividends, interest, and royalties paid by Cyprus offshore companies.
Offshore entities are exempt from VAT on their trading activities. Furthermore, they do not pay VAT on telecommunication services and on goods eligible to be purchased duty-free.
No withholding tax is payable on dividends, interest and royalty payments.
Full tax exemption of income derived by way of interest on foreign capital imported into Cyprus and deposited with banks operating in Cyprus.
Offshore entities are fully exempt from local social insurance schemes in respect of their foreign employees.
Housing and office accommodation are easily available at reasonable prices.
The professional and management services offered in Cyprus are of a very high standard.
Foreign employees of offshore entities and their family members can secure work and residence permits.
Offshore companies and their expatriate employees are allowed to purchase immovable property in Cyprus for their own use or their residence.