United States of America Trademark Registration Service fees
US$ 599 
- Submits the application documents to the United States Patent and Trademark Office and obtains an official filing receipt notifying you of the allotted application number.
- The Trademark Examiner will review the application in approximately 3 months
- You will get a Certificate of Registration for your trademark within 10 months.
- We can provide checking services to save your application cost, search report delivered in 10-12 working days.
The applicants can access Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS) and Trademark Electronic Application System International (TEASi) via the United States Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO) for registration federal trademark, which is cover all of the United States
Who can apply for registration?
Any natural or legal persons (e.g. Companies, big or small organizations, universities, non-governmental organizations, etc.) can apply for registration
How do I apply?
The application is filled in English and filed to USPTO. The applicant must have either:
Actual Use: The mark is already in use in the USA,
Intention to Use: The mark is not currently being used in business yet but has a good faith intention to use in the future, or
Home Registration: The mark is registered in their ‘country of origin’
When will your mark become registered?
The application will be reviewed by the USPTO and if no opposition is filed, the application is approved and USPTO will send “Notice of Allowance”.
Actual Use: The mark will become registered by the time it has produced proof of that mark use.
Intent to Use: The mark will become registered once applicants provide proof of the use of the goods and services claimed. The applicants have a period of six months (can be extended up to 30 months) to prepare and provide the proof.
Home Registration: The mark will become registered when applicants provide proof of the registration of the mark in their “home” country and do not need to provide proof of use.
Registered marks fall due for renewal every ten years