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Choosing a company name is the first step to set up a company in BVI from UK. The procedure to choose the name to set up a BVI company is simple but you need to take note some important following points:

  1. BVI companies must select a unique corporate name that is not similar to already existing corporation names.
  2. A company name must have one of the following suffixes: “Limited”, “Corporation”, “Incorporated”, “Société Anonyme”, or “Sociedad Anonima” or the abbreviations “Ltd.”, “Corp.”, “S.A.” or “Inc”
  3. The company name can be in Chinese (Mandarin - Mainland China language), as a result, the country is one of the most favorite countries for Chinese, Taiwanese, and Hong Konger investors.
  4. The company name cannot use a word in the name that connects with the patronage of Her Majesty, a member of the Royal Family, Her Majesty’s Government or with other local authority and body incorporated by Royal Charter
  5. The name for the special business which is required licenses, such as Insurance or Banking business. Therefore, some words cannot be used in the BVI in a company name: Fund, Mutual Funds, Assurance, Bank, Banker, Casino, Council, etc.

If you are struggling with choosing a name for setting up a BVI company from UK. Our advisory team will help you to choose a suitable name that fits your business activity and check the eligibility of your new company name.

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