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Opening an LLC Bank Account in the UK: Requirements, Rules, and Necessary Documents

Updated time: 06 May, 2024, 14:45 (UTC+08:00)

In the UK, opening a bank account for a limited liability company (LLC) is a critical step in setting up and operating a business. The process involves understanding specific requirements, adhering to certain rules, and gathering the necessary documents to successfully open an account. This comprehensive guide will cover everything you need to know about opening an LLC bank account in the UK, from the basic requirements to the documentation required.

Requirements for Opening an LLC Bank Account in the UK

When opening a bank account for an LLC in the UK, several key requirements need to be met (1)(2):

1. UK Business Address:

  • You’ll need a UK business address for your LLC. This serves as the official location associated with your business.

2. Company Representative Living in the UK:

  • Your LLC should have a company representative residing in the UK. Typically, this individual is a director or an employee.
  • The representative will act as an account signatory for the LLC’s bank account.

3. UK Business Plan:

  • Prepare a UK business plan that outlines why your LLC requires a UK business bank account.
  • The plan should highlight your business activities, financial projections, and reasons for operating in the UK.

4. Identification of Significant Shareholders:

  • Identify all parties who own more than 10% of the business.
  • This includes shareholders with substantial ownership stakes in your LLC.

5. Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Know Your Customer (KYC) Checks:

  • Banks in the UK are required by law to conduct AML and KYC checks before offering a business bank account.
  • These checks ensure compliance and prevent illicit financial activities.

6. Contact the UK Bank’s Central Team:

  • Rather than applying through a local branch, online platform, or call center, contact the bank’s central inward investment team.
  • Inform them that you need a UK business bank account (not an international account held offshore).
  • Provide photographic identification and proof of address for all directors and significant shareholders.

7. Face-to-Face Meeting in the UK:

  • The bank will require at least one representative of your company to meet face-to-face in the UK.
  • This meeting is necessary to sign a bank mandate and officially open the business bank account.

8. Remember that the process duration varies:

  • FinTech solutions can be as quick as 2 hours.
  • Full business bank account solutions may take 4 weeks to 3 months for approval. Factor this time into your business planning process

Requirements for Opening an LLC Bank Account in the UK

Requirements for Opening an LLC Bank Account in the UK

Rules for LLC Bank Accounts in the UK

There are specific rules governing LLC bank accounts in the UK that aim to ensure transparency and prevent fraudulent activities:

  • Know Your Customer (KYC) Compliance: Banks must adhere to KYC procedures, which involve verifying the identity of the LLC's directors and significant shareholders. This process helps prevent identity theft, money laundering, and financial fraud.
  • Account Usage: The account must be used strictly for business purposes. Personal transactions should be conducted through a separate personal account to maintain clear financial records and comply with accounting standards.
  • Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) Regulations: LLC bank accounts are subject to regulations by the FCA, which ensures that financial markets work well, transparently, and in the interests of consumers.
  • Annual Review: Some banks conduct an annual review of business accounts to ensure that the information they hold is up to date and to reassess the risk profile of the business.

Rules for LLC Bank Accounts in the UK

Rules for LLC Bank Accounts in the UK

Documents Needed to Open an LLC Bank Account in the UK

Opening a bank account for an LLC in the UK requires gathering a series of documents that verify the legitimacy and operational status of the business:

  • Certificate of Incorporation: Issued by Companies House, this document proves the business has been legally registered and lists the company number.
  • Articles of Association: This document outlines the regulations for the company's operations and must be provided to the bank.
  • Company Resolution to Open a Bank Account: This is a formal decision by the LLC’s board of directors authorizing the opening of the account and specifying who has the authority to operate it.
  • Proof of Address for the Business: Documents such as a recent utility bill or lease agreement that confirm the business’s operating address.
  • Personal Identification: Personal identification documents such as a passport or driving license for each director and significant shareholder.
  • Proof of Address for Directors: Typically a recent utility bill or bank statement that verifies the residential address of each director and major shareholder.

Documents Needed to Open an LLC Bank Account in the UK

Documents Needed to Open an LLC Bank Account in the UK

Opening Process and Choosing the Right Bank

The process to open an LLC bank account in the UK can typically be started online, over the phone, or in person at a bank branch. It’s advisable to:

  • Research Options: Look into different banks and compare their business banking services, fees, and any benefits they offer to find the best fit for your LLC.
  • Prepare Documents: Gather all required documents beforehand to expedite the process.
  • Consult a Professional: If unsure about the process, it may be beneficial to consult with a financial advisor or accountant who understands the specifics of business banking in the UK.


Opening a bank account for an LLC in the UK involves a clear understanding of the requirements, rules, and documentation needed. By carefully preparing and following the guidelines set forth by UK banking regulations, LLC owners can ensure a smooth setup of their business banking, paving the way for operational success and compliance with UK financial laws. This process not only facilitates day-to-day financial operations but also enhances the credibility and professional image of the LLC.


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